
Monday, February 23, 2015

DWI Convictions: Limiting Your Driving


A limited driving privilege (LDP) may be offered to people convicted of certain DWI offenses for the purposes of work, education, medical care, or community service, as may be deemed appropriate by the court. It's a recourse for people who rely on their personal vehicles for their livelihood or schooling, provided they comply with the restrictions mandated by state statute.

An LDP requires the driver to stick to a route and schedule while under LDP status. It doesn't have to be a single route, but the LDP will cover a specific zone or multiple routes. The driver can present his planned itinerary before the judge. If unable to do so, the court may decide for him or her.

For the purposes of the LDP, standard hours refer to between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., from Monday to Friday, unless otherwise required by the person’s regular working hours. If driving within standard hours, the driver doesn't need to follow a specified itinerary, as long as the route is work-related.

Ignition Interlock System
In some cases, a DWI conviction may also warrant the installation of an ignition interlock device in the vehicle. This is a must if the driver's blood alcohol level was found to be 0.15 and above at the time of the offense. This device requires the driver to breathe into a mouthpiece, which is connected to the ignition on a vehicle’s steering column. If the device detects that the driver has any alcohol in their system, it won't start.

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