
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Rape and Sex Crimes: Why You Need a Lawyer

An accusation of committing a sex crime is a grave and serious one that not only affects the life and reputation of the alleged victim, but also that of the accused. There are many kinds of sex crimes, but the most common of all is rape. This type of crime is deemed to be such a major one that conviction could result in at least 144 months in prison.

Kinds of Rape

Generally, rape is defined as a forcible act of intercourse without the victim’s consent. There are, however, various types of rape. Statutory rape, for example, is defined as sexual intercourse with a minors. In this case, even if the parties involved claim that there was consent, the fact that one party is of legal age and the other party is a minor negates that very idea of consent.

Minors are not considered competent to legally give their consent because they are simply  under-aged.

Marital rape is also another kind of rape that often transpires between husband and wife. Again, the issue of consent is at issue. The personal rights of the wife are still considered most relevant.

Sex Offender Registration  

Convicted sex offenders are required to register in the community where they reside. This is to serve as a forewarning and protection against the neighbors.

The implications of a sex crime accusation or conviction can be quite devastating to an individual’s freedom.  If you are accused of a sex crime, you should seek the help of a competent sex crimes lawyer immediately.

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